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Pregnancy Loss Support Services for Men

There are many services in Australia to help support you. Some are for anyone affected by miscarriage and pregnancy loss. Others, such as those listed on this page, are specifically for men.

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Please note that support services are currently experiencing a high volume of calls and requests for appointments and you may be put on hold until the next available counsellor or volunteer is available.

If you are in a crisis situation, please call Lifeline (13 11 14), Beyond Blue (1300 224 636), or 000 immediately.

Everyone grieves differently. Some people lean more toward an intuitive grief style (expressing their emotions outwardly and actively seeking support). In contrast, others lean toward a more instrumental grief style (problem-solving or thinking more than feeling approach). Traditionally we have attributed a more instrumental style to men and a more intuitive style to women. But in fact, grief is a highly individualised experience, and how people cope with their grief is personal. From research, we also know that the types of support you need can depend on your grief style.

It can be difficult for you to feel concerned about your partner but possibly feel powerless, frustrated, and unsure of the best way to help. It might appear like there is never a good or comfortable time to discuss your feelings. While it is understandable you want to support your partner, it’s also important to explore your feelings. The complexity of looking after yourself, getting the support you need, and being there for those that rely on you is not a trivial undertaking. It takes courage to ask for help when you need it. Your health and mental well-being are the most important things you can focus on, which benefits your partner and your family.

I didn’t think that she was strong enough to look after herself with what I was. . . likely to dump on her.

Talk with your partners, family or friends, or someone else you trust. If you want support outside the people you know, there are many Australian based support services that can help – we share these services on our Support for Everyone page. We have also listed some male specific support services and groups below.

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Trigger warning

Please note that some landing pages for the support services listed below may contain information and images of living children, as these organisations offer a range of support services.

Last Updated: October 29th, 2024